Crafting With Asphalt Shingles

Fairy Castle Cottage Roof

Fairy Castle Cottage sporting her new shingled roof.

Recycling leftover asphalt roof shingles has been an interesting experience for me. I had a small stack of repair shingles stashed away that were no longer needed and I wondered if could I use them for roofing the Fairy’s Castle Cottage. They worked out pretty well and I believe I’ve found another material to craft with!Continue reading

Experimenting With Cement Soaked Cloth

Draped Vase curing

Draped Vase shown while still curing. Papercrete was added later to the inside and outside of the base for better support and balance.

I’m having way too much fun with cement-soaked towels to work on anything else at the moment. I’ve made draped vases, miniature fairy houses, funky steampunk looking flowers, and have a few more ideas I want to try before I work this obsession out of my system. So, I thought I’d share some of what I’ve learned while experimenting.Continue reading